Credo-capital production reports successful 2012
Despite the world scale recession and the severe economic conditions the business faces, Credo-capital production is proud to report a successful 2012. During the last year we stayed close to our consumers offering them attractive and innovation products. The company expands its market share on continuous basis, and the brands fantasy FLIRT, men Agressia, etc. have become better known both on the domestic and on the international markets. Our products are famous to be an optimal combination of good quality and attractive price, and are successful competitors of the approved world brands within their class. Our company realizes its bigger sales share on the CIS market. Credo-capital production has its lasting presence in these countries during the recent years, and despite the heavy crises they suffer, our market share grows on the basis of constantly expanding product portfolio. During the previous years Credo-capital production seriously penetrated on the market in the EU member-states, the Balkan countries, the Asian and African countries. In 2012 we successfully launched our brands for the first time in Serbia, Slovenia, Kosovo, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, North Korea.
The company expects two-digit percentage growth rate of all of its export markets in 2013, and we will try to achieve this with permanent high quality of our products and with innovative solutions!